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Universal Pictures  Jaws 2/Jaws 3/Jaws - The Revenge Boxset
Jaws 2: JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO BACK IN THE WATER… The horror is far from over as Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary and Murray Hamilton reprise their iconic roles in Jaws 2. Four years after the great white shark terrorized the small resort of Amity, unsuspecting vacationers begin disappearing in an all-too-familiar fashion. Police Chief Brody (Scheider) fnds himself in a race against time when a new shark attacks ten sailboats manned by teenagers, including his own two sons. The same heart-stopping suspense and gripping adventure that enthralled movie audiences throughout the world in Jaws returns in this worthy sequel to the original motion picture classic. Run Time: 116 mins approx. Bonus Run Time: 75 mins approx. Aspect Ratio: 2.33:1 Jaws 3: A DEADLY NEW ATTRACTION! The most famous shark of all time is back… bigger and more terrifying than ever in Jaws 3 starring Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Simon MacCorkindale and Louis Gossett Jr. Everyone at Florida’s Sea World is thrilled with the new “Undersea Kingdom,� a maze of underwater plexiglass tunnels that permits visitors to get closer to marine life than ever before. The opening ceremonies include many important guests… and one uninvited baby shark who accidentally enters the park’s lagoon through a faulty sea gate and subsequently dies. The young shark’s 35-foot mother soon follows her offspring, creating the most horrifying tale of terror ever flmed in the water. Directed by Joe Alves, the original Jaws designer, and co-written by Carl Gottlieb who penned the frst two blockbusters, this action-packed adventure will have you screaming for your life. Run Time: 98 mins approx. Bonus Run Time: 98 mins approx. Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1 Jaws: The Revenge: THIS TIME, IT’S PERSONAL. Once again the peace of Amity and the lives of the Brody family are shattered by a bloodthirsty shark in Jaws: The Revenge. Lorraine Gary reprises her role as the now widowed Ellen Brody who fnds herself reliving the horrors of the past when a mammoth shark kills her son. Grief-stricken, she travels to the Bahamas to be with her other son, a marine biologist Lance Guest), and his family. There she meets and falls for a carefree airplane pilot (Academy Award winner Michael Caine). Just as she is starting to put her life back together, the nightmare of the past returns when her granddaughter is attacked by an all-too-familiar great white shark. Determined to end the terror once and for all, Ellen sets out for a showdown to the death. Run Time: 90 mins approx. Bonus Run Time: 5 mins approx. Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 Jaws 2: Deleted Scenes The Making of Jaws 2 Jaws 2: A Portrait by Actor Keith Gordon John Williams: The Music of Jaws 2 The “French� Joke Storyboards Theatrical Trailers Jaws 3: Jaws 3 in 3D! - See Jaws 3 the way it was originally shown in theaters to experience a third dimension in terror. Jaws: The Revenge: Alternate Ending


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