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National Geographic  Inside 9/11: The War Continues DVD Movie - 
Inside 9/11: The War Continues tells the evolving story of radical Islams war against the West. Osama bin Laden has finally been brought to justice, but al Qaeda is still going strong. For bin Laden, 9/11 was just the beginning ? the attack was designed to spark a revolution and create a whole new generation of men willing to wage jihad against America. But ten years later, these same men have eclipsed bin Laden on the global stage. And their call to jihad has gone viral with terror groups using the Internet to recruit and radicalize future attackers in the name of Allah.


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National Geographic American Doomsday DVD Movie - 
Americas Doomsday plan. Its the governments ultimate playbook, with a strategy for even the darkest hours - developed when Cold War tensions were high, but never used until 9/11. Well fly an E4-B - the presidents command, control and communications center for times of national catastrophe; go inside the secret bunker used by government officials on September 11; and witness how the luxurious Greenbrier Resort became a critical, top secret congressional bunker.


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National Geographic George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview DVD Movie - 
Until now, former president George W. Bush, has never discussed on camera what he was thinking and feeling, and what drove his real-time, life-or-death decisions in the first minutes, hours and days after the attacks of September 11, 2001. In the most in-depth televised interview he has ever given on the subject, President Bush provides intimate detail on what he grappled with as both the Commander in Chief charged with protecting his fellow citizens, and as a family man concerned for his loved ones. The candid observations by the former president illuminate his personal journey through one of the most unforgettable moments in modern American history.


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Twin Towers DVD  - 
From the ashes of 9/11, heroes live forever. When Dick Wolf, the producer of the NBC television dramatic series "Law & Order," began filming a reality TV pilot about a New York City police squad, no one could have known that terrorists would claim the lives of 14 men in that unit on September 11, 2001. "Twin Towers" (2003) is the Academy Award-winning documentary short film that came out of that story, following two brothers, Joseph Vigiano, a highly decorated member of NYPD Emergency Services Squad 3, and his older brother, John, Jr., a firefighter with Bedford-Stuyvesant's Ladder 132, who both died in the World Trade Center.


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