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FBI  - 
Voici l'histoire, sur un sicle, de la plus clbre organisation policire de la plante. Pour la raconter, les auteurs ont pu consulter des milliers de pices d'archives inexplores et bnficier d'une centaine de tmoignages d'agents en service ou retirs. Ils nous entranent dans un priple au cur du mythe : de l'pope des tueurs de gangsters celle des chasseurs d'espions nazis, de la chasse aux communistes la vritable histoire de l'excution des poux Rosenberg, dans les coulisses du Kremlin sur les traces de Solo , la taupe du FBI, ou dans Cointelpro , la plus redoutable des oprations menes par le Bureau. Ils disent leur vrit sur l'assassinat du prsident Kennedy et dessinent ce sujet les contours d'un inquitant complot. Certains traquent la vrit du scandale du Watergate, d'autres complotent pour renverser le prsident Nixon. Ils se livrent d'inquitantes oprations d'infiltration de la Mafia, avant de filer au cur des rserves indiennes en proie de sanglantes rvoltes. Comment font-ils face aux tueurs en srie ? Que trouvent-ils en Afrique, au Moyen-Orient, en Asie, au fil des pistes qui dbouchent sur les attaques du 11 Septembre et l'heure o vacillent les certitudes en matire de scurit ? Une enqute exceptionnelle, par la qualit des tmoins rencontrs, la richesse et le caractre indit des documents rassembls sur une institution qui aspirerait volontiers, demain, la faveur de la guerre contre le terrorisme, les mafias, les trafics en tout genre, assurer la vocation d'une police mondiale. Fabrizio Calvi est auteur d'ouvrages et de documentaires sur la criminalit organise et les services secrets. David Carr-Brown est ralisateur et producteur de reportages et documentaires pour la tlvision. Ce livre fait l'objet d'une adaptation tlvise sur France 5, sous forme de documentaire, en cinq pisodes de 55 minutes. Getty images Couverture : Christophe Billoret, cbisfr.fr Photogravure MCP


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The FBI  - 
Ronald Kessler, an investigator reporter who has worked for the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, researched deep within the FBI to produce one of the most thorough looks ever at the agency. Most of his findings focus on changes in the bureau since the days of autocratic director J. Edgar Hoover. He also shows how the FBI solved such cases as the World Trade Center bombing, covered up internal problems, and instituted many technological changes in criminal investigations.Kessler's research raised questions that played a role in the eventual removal from office of director William Sessions; events that reflect Kessler's investigative knowledge of the FBI.


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FBI  - 
From the book flap: "In this remarkable book, Sanford J. Ungar has produced the first objective look inside the FBI by an outsider, written with advantages of free access to Bureau personnel at every level, but without the penalties of Bureau control, censorship, or review. FBI is an unbiased and comprehensive, yet dramatic, inquiry into the nature of one of the best known - and, now, most controversial - law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the world: its history and development, its people, and its procedures.


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The FBI  - 
Watts Library "TM" spans all subjects, including animals, space, American Indians, U.S. history, geography, cutting-edge sports, and more Since 1908, they've brought down notorious felons, investigated horrific crimes, and maintained domestic security. Meet America's premier crimebusters and find out how the FBI protects us from all kinds of criminals, including homegrown and international terrorists.


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The FBI  - 
Readers go undercover to get top secret information on the history, missions, training regimens, and futures of these exciting branches of law enforcement.


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FBI Careers  - 
This book is the definitive guide for acing the FBI’s rigorous selection process and landing a job.


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The FBI: A History  - 
This fast-paced history of the FBI presents the first balanced and complete portrait of the vast, powerful, and sometimes bitterly criticized American institution. Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, a well-known expert on U.S. intelligence agencies, tells the bureau's story in the context of American history. Along the way he challenges conventional understandings of that story and assesses the FBI's strengths and weaknesses as an institution. Common wisdom traces the origin of the bureau to 1908, but Jeffreys-Jones locates its true beginnings in the 1870s, when Congress acted in response to the Ku Klux Klan campaign of terror against black American voters. The character and significance of the FBI derive from this original mission, the author contends, and he traces the evolution of the mission into the twenty-first century. The book makes a number of surprising observations: that the role of J. Edgar Hoover has been exaggerated and the importance of attorneys general underestimated, that splitting counterintelligence between the FBI and the CIA in 1947 was a mistake, and that xenophobia impaired the bureau's preemptive anti-terrorist powers before and after 9/11. The author concludes with a fresh consideration of today's FBI and the increasingly controversial nature of its responsibilities.


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The FBI Encyclopedia  - 
This work presents entries on a broad range of topics related to the FBI, including biographical sketches of directors, agents, attorneys general, notorious fugitives, and people (both well known and unknown) targeted by the FBI; events, cases and investigations such as ILLWIND, ABSCAM and Amerasia; FBI terminology and programs such as COINTELPRO and VICAP; organizations targeted for surveillance or disruption including the KGB and the Ku Klux Klan; and various general topics such as psychological profiling, fingerprinting and electronic surveillance. Includes an introductory overview of the FBI's origins and history.


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Hoover's FBI  - 
Published to coincide with the release of Francis Ford Coppola's feature-length film on J. Edgar Hoover, here is an unprecedented insider's view of the Bureau by an ex-F.B.I. agent. Turner reveals secrets about one of the U.S. government's most secretive organizations and the man who made it the most powerful police organization in the land.


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Never Split the Difference Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It - 


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